Matthew Tamayo is the Chief of Police for the City of Rancho Cordova. In this role, Chief Tamayo works with the City Council and city staff to make Rancho Cordova a safe place to live, work, learn and play.


Chief Tamayo has over 20 years of law enforcement experience with the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office.

Chief Tamayo started his law enforcement career with the Sacramento Sheriff's Office and held numerous assignments including Corrections, Patrol, Problem Oriented Policing (POP) Officer, Gang Detective, Narcotics Detective, Internal Affairs, and most recently as the Commander of the Training and Education Division. Chief Tamayo also previously served the Rancho Cordova Police Department (RCPD) as a Patrol Supervisor, Patrol Watch Commander, Operations Commander and Assistant Police Chief.

Chief Tamayo has prioritized training throughout his career and has instructed numerous courses, including Principled Policing and the Sheriff's Leadership Program. His dedication to learning and teaching his peers has been a priority throughout his career. Chief Tamayo graduated from Union Institute and University with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice management.

Chief Tamayo has been committed to building relationships and trust through community involvement and transparency throughout his career. With his experience previously working as a sergeant and lieutenant in the City of Rancho Cordova and knowledge of the diverse neighborhoods, Chief Tamayo strived for community involvement in all his efforts.

In addition to serving as Rancho Cordova’s Chief of Police, Chief Tamayo will also serve as Commander of the Sheriff’s Office East Division out of the Kilgore Police Station.
